Acupuncture is a natural and safe therapy used for 2,500 years in Classical Chinese Medicine. Pain and illness are seen as signs of imbalance in the body. Health and well-being can be achieved by kickstarting the body’s own natural healing mechanisms, rather than by suppressing the condition. Acupuncture aims to restore the body’s ability to heal. It is used as a stand-alone therapy and in combination with Western medicine to treat many acute and chronic conditions.


Acupuncture improves general wellness and treats both physical and mental problems, as follows, although not all-inclusive:

• Stress and anxiety

• Pain

• Asthma, allergies, and skin disorders

• Digestive problems

• Fatigue

• Infertility


We will discuss your symptoms, behaviors, and lifestyle. This might be followed by examining the tongue, the color of your face, and painful parts of your body. The final diagnosis is made by checking the strength, rhythm, and quality of the pulse in your wrist.  The choice of acupuncture points will be specific to each patient’s needs. Usually, 2 to 5 fine sterilized disposable needles will be inserted into the body surface at strategic points and kept in place for about 20 minutes. The use of needles is virtually painless.

This initial evaluation and treatment may take up to 60 minutes. Subsequent appointments usually take about a half-hour. The number of treatments required will vary from person to person. In general, it is recommended to have about 5 treatments with at least 2 weeks intervals.  In the longer term, many people choose to have an acupuncture treatment monthly or every 6-8 weeks as ‘preventative medicine’ to help them address issues as they arise or to support general health and well-being.


My journey with acupuncture began as a patient back in 2012. I am forever grateful for my Western doctor’s advice to explore non-medical treatments, even when traditional medical solutions were readily available. The results were evident after my very first acupuncture session. Since I could only attend treatments once a month, I could clearly observe the impact of each session on my well-being. Skipping a session made a noticeable difference, too. This experience sparked a lifelong journey into the study of Chinese medicine.

I am particularly interested in how the body’s physical characteristics and movements signal underlying imbalances. These indicators can be gently addressed through acupuncture, which guides the body’s natural healing processes and helps restore balance and well-being.

Acupuncturist Maria Juselius has been my inspiration from the very beginning, believing in me from the outset of this journey a decade ago. I am also deeply grateful to Juppe Nyman, my teacher and mentor, for his ongoing guidance and intermittent support, recognizing my readiness before I did, years ago. My education at the International School of Acupuncture has been instrumental, with three and a half years of intensive studies and a total of seven years of practice, shaping me into the independent acupuncturist I am today.

In September 2023, I launched my own company, Acupoint.fi. My goal is to help my patients address their long-term issues, feel good, and gain confidence in taking charge of their own health. A warm welcome to your treatment!



45 €

The price includes taxes of 24%. Rescheduling/canceling a treatment is free if made at least 24 hours in advance. 50 % of the treatment price will be charged for changes made less than 24 hours in advance.



Please use the «Book now» link to schedule an appointment. If you would like to discuss in advance, please reach me by WhatsApp or SMS.

Acupuncture is used both as a stand-alone therapy and in combination with Western medicine to treat a wide range of acute and chronic conditions.
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